Let’s get right to the point on this… the answer is no. Not if you’re a generally healthy person. Some patients recovering from surgery have been informed by their doctor to wear their compression socks day and night. But even in these rare instances, those people should only be wearing the lowest compression available (below 15 mmhg).
Graduated compression is only meant to be worn when you’re awake and moving around. It’s providing a constant amount of pressure to your circulatory system to fight gravity and pump that blood back to your heart. This provides your body with amazing benefits when you’re up and about during the day, but when you’re lying down, fully horizontal for a long period of time, your circulatory system doesn’t have to fight gravity. That pressure applied to your ankle and calf during the night can cut your circulation off.
We recommend you do not wear your athletic compression socks and sleeves to bed – the compression level is too high and can cause problems.