If you suffer from Plantars Fasciitis and are looking for something to treat your foot, you may be setting yourself up for failure.
The cause of the pain in your heel is your tight calves. This is because your tight calves increase mechanical stress on the bone, joints, tendons and ligaments in your foot and ankle.
So instead of looking to your foot to find pain relief—or trying to lengthen your Achilles tendon through surgery— Doctors and physiotherapists both recommend a night splint such as the Alpha Sock, to gently stretch the calf and surrounding tendons as you sleep.
The Team at Alpha Sole has created an easy-to-use, inexpensive and effective sock to relieve the painful effects of plantar fasciitis and other sports injuries, all while you sleep!
The sock provides a low grade, long duration stretching of connective tissue in the feet and calves which allows you to wake up with less pain, inflammation and discomfort.
People who have used the sock for 7 consecutive nights have reported less pain with their first morning steps, more flexible calves, less cramping and overall sense of strength and comfort in their feet!
Whether you suffer from plantar fasciitis, heel pain, calf pain, muscle cramps or other sports injuries, the Alpha Sock will naturally help you reduce your symptoms and get back to a more comfortable life.