The best way to prevent painful blisters is to prevent chafing. To stop them before they appear, pay attention to your skin and take precautions if you know you’re going to do a lot of walking, running or other physical activity.
To prevent chafing that can lead to blisters, dermatologists recommend the following tips:
Protect your feet: To prevent blisters on your feet, wear moisture-wicking socks.
The Alpha Copper Compression Socks are perfect for this because the help keep the feet dry and protected while providing your feet with extra padding and compression.
You should also make sure your shoes fit properly! Shoes shouldn’t be too tight or too loose.
Consider soft bandages: For problem areas, such as the feet or thighs, consider using adhesive moleskin or other soft bandages. Make sure the bandages are applied securely.
Apply powder or petroleum jelly to problem areas: This helps reduce friction when your skin rubs together or rubs against clothing.
- Stop your activity immediately if you experience pain or discomfort, or if your skin turns red: Otherwise, you may get a blister.
If you do get a blister, be patient and try to leave it alone. Most blisters heal on their own in one to two weeks. Try not to resume the activity that caused your blister until it’s healed.
To treat a blister, dermatologists recommend the following:
Cover the blister: Loosely cover the blister with a bandage. Bring in the sides of the bandage so that the middle of the bandage is a little raised.
Use padding: To protect blisters in pressure areas, such as the bottom of your feet, use padding. Cut the padding into a donut shape with a hole in the middle and place it around the blister. Then, cover the blister and padding with a bandage.
Avoid popping or draining a blister, as this could lead to infection. However, if your blister is large and very painful, it may be necessary to drain the blister to reduce discomfort. To do this, sterilize a small needle using rubbing alcohol. Then, use the needle to carefully pierce one edge of the blister, which will allow some of the fluid to drain.
- Keep the area clean and covered: Once your blister has drained, wash the area with soap and water and apply petroleum jelly. Do not remove the “roof” of the blister, as this will protect the raw skin underneath as it heals.
As your blister heals, watch for signs of an infection. If you notice any redness, pus, or increased pain or swelling, make an appointment to see your doctor or a board-certified dermatologist.